Wednesday 29 October 2014

Day Two- Start!

Hurray! It was the first day of work. We were asked to be there in smart office attire. Had a little trouble since I brought this floral pencil dress that I intended to wear but was advised by the housemate not to.

We had the talks about what we are going to go through with the programme outline, had to submit our medical forms and passport photos etc for administration.

We were divided into our batches to showcase things that we brought from our country that is personal to us. We also talked about the different countries each of us were from and how there are almost 30 over nationalities int that auditorium. We then played a game where we had puzzle pieces that we had to put together quickly that shows the Emirates' vision and mission statements.

Following which we watched a powerpoint slide on how there were a humongous amount of applications received by the recruitment team, and of that we were the 5% who were interviewed and got chosen, so we were like, very special. The presenter asked us what we thought we were selected for, and some said because they were good-looking, which won a few laughs. The presenter spoke about the Emirates brand image, and told us that looks and appearances are things that can be changed and improved upon, but a person's personality and attitude, are things that even the best trainers, are not able to alter. (Which sounded really nice of course). She also said that we were probably empathetic towards our customers during the interview round, which was a revelation to me how I thought I was probably chosen!

It was funny though as she said that she does not herself know exactly why some people are chosen and some are not. She listed the example of a girl who tried 6 times and finally got in, and how that girl said she did nothing differently at every round. The presenter then attributed it to her persistence, which was funny.

The day was full of administrative work....receiving our heavy big manuals, and getting the red polos and signature scrunchie was pretty cool.

That was about it. Went home to head to Emirates mall which is near my house to go to Carrefore for some grocery shopping.

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